The Broken God

Published May 18th 2021 from Orbit

Enter a city of dragons and darkness.

The Godswar has come to Guerdon, dividing the city between three occupying powers. A fragile armistice holds back the gods, but other dangerous forces seek to exert their influence. Spar Idgeson, once heir to the brotherhood of thieves has been transformed into the living stone of the new city. But his powers are failing and the criminal dragons of the Ghierdana are circling.

Meanwhile, far across the sea, Carillon Thay – once a thief, a saint, a god killer; now alone and powerless – seeks the mysterious land of Khebesh, desperate to find a cure for Spar. But what hope does she have when even the gods seek vengeance against her?

Read an Excerpt from The Broken God

Getting ready to read The Broken God? Here’s a summary of The Shadow Saint.